In the Appendix of, “The Healing Power of Kindness: Vol. 1,” Wapnick reprinted, “Do No Harm to Anyone.” It is a short essay on implementing the Hippocratic oath into the practice of ACIM, i.e., a simple reminder for all students of A Course in Miracles who seek to apply its principles to living in the world (Kindle location 678). He explores how we must undertake a close and honest examination un curso de milagros of how we having been using others in our lives to fulfill our desires and needs, and how it is harmful because we have no regard for the welfare of others. Using people for our needs is an attack on them which engenders guilt in us (Kindle location 699). A “eureka” moment occurs – I finally realize I have used the written word for attack (Kindle location 709, underlining mine).
Harm is the outcome of judgment. It is the dishonest act that follows a dishonest thought. It is a verdict of guilt upon a brother, and therefore on oneself. It is the end of peace and the denial of learning (M-4.IV.1)… (being an unloving reminder of the attack thought to others and thus ourselves)… Thus, Jesus is explaining to us how our judgments of others are preceded by our judgment of ourselves (M-4.IV.1, and Ibid, Kindle location 729). It states unequivocally – fairly early in his training – that a student of A Course in Miracles must learn that harmfulness must be totally undone or he would never learn the Holy Spirit’s lessons (M-4.IV.1:8-11, Ibid, Kindle location 739, parenthesis addition mine)
If we are not being kind (no harming and no attacking) we cannot learn nor understand the kind principles of the Course because we are not putting them into practice. We’re justing sitting around talking online with the ego via unloving reminders as attacks which are all forms of the same murderous thought because we refuse to look within and actually do the forgiveness work.
Resource: Delilah Jaemes, Spiritual Guidance Coach at. All coaching is based entirely on A Course in Miracles. Delilah is available via email, Skype and phone for personal consultations. She also posts weekly quotes on the website home page for reflection in the study and practice of the Course; and there are updates in the blog when new articles and videos are published and become available to the public.